Welcome to our family blog!

We began in September 2010 by traveling a portion of the Camino de Santiago, the ancient pilgrimage route that leads to the tomb of Saint James in Santiago, Galicia, in the northwestern corner of Spain. The name of our blog is inspired by the camino, and we'll have many stories (cuentos) to tell! We spent 2010-2011 on an intentional international journey, living and working in Spanish-speaking countries. Since then, we are immersed back in our lives at home but will report on occasional openings and discoveries. Please join us!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Flat Tire on Safari

Dennis ready for anything
What happens when you have a flat tire in Maasai Mara, right in front of the lionesses and their cubs resting in the grass? You get out of the car very slowly and carefully. You get your knife out of its scabbard and lay it down carefully in front of you, along with your club. If there are other jeeps around, you ask them to form a cordon protecting you from the lionesses. Then you try to change the tire, quickly.
This happened to us on our visit to Maasai Mara Game Park. Since we were barred from shooting the lions as did Robert Redford and Merryl Streep in Out of Africa, we had to rely on other more peaceful means. Of course, our role as clients was largely limited to a spectator’s job. But we felt a part of the action, especially when we saw the binoculars of the other safari-goers swivel around from the lions’ direction to our direction! Apparently we became suddenly more interesting than lionesses and lion cubs in the wild.
To appreciate this picture of our guide Dennis, you should know that it is very dangerous to get out of a vehicle in the game park. It is just not done. In several days, this was the one instance where we saw anyone get out of their vehicle.

Flat tire and lion watching consultants

We got to participate a bit more than just looking out the window and praying that our driver and guide would not get killed. It became quickly clear that the muddy terrain would not allow the jeep to be jacked up. As everyone’s attention was held by the mechanical problem at hand, we remembered that there may be other lions in the reserve, and we helped by looking around to be sure that we would not be attacked by a sneak attack from the other direction. Since we were not allowed out of the jeep, we all piled up on the opposite side so that they would not have to lift our weight as well. Finally, with the aid of a large rock to support the jack, the tire was changed and we were on our way. The adventure provided a memorable moment for our guide as well as ourselves.

Lioness looking at lunch menu with her cubs

Lioness on the move

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